- Make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days
- Complete a project 365
- Lose 5 pounds every month until I reach (private)lbs (0/32)
- Cook a real meal at least 2 times per week
- Clean out, organize and maintain the cleaniliness of the bathroom cabinets
- Prune wardrobe of things that do not fit/I do not wear
- Try and drink at least one full bottle of water every day for the first 6 months. Increase a bottle every 6 months.
- Get new glasses and at least one pair have to be bright and different
- Eat out (including lunch at work) no more than two times a week
- Spend 10 days (not necessarily consecutively) without internet
- Accumulate (private amount) in savings and keep it. If it is spent, re-accumulate before spending it on stupid stuff
- Get pregnant (and maintain a healthy pregnancy)
- List 101 things that make me happy
- Read at least one fluff book per month (0/32)
- Limit myself to 5 personal (not work-related) books from the library at one time
- Write a monthly budget and stick with it.
- Replace all of my old underwear and bras
- Complete a 30 day exercise program
- **Private**
- Attend at least 2 yoga sessions
- Get a facial a year (0/2)
- Go to the movies alone
- Go camping
- Try at least 10 new foods (0/10)
- Buy a subscription to All You
- Knit a scarf for each immediate family member
- Go through our stuff and have (or contribute to) at least one garage sale
- Finish the photo mural frame
- Put the California pictures in an album
- Check out an Indie movie at the Cinema Center
- Eat at 20 new restaurants (0/20)
- Organize and use the desk/office area in the apartment
- Drink one glass of water for every glass of non-water beverage
- Get a new haircut and do not pull back into a bun for at least a month
- Continue attending monthly meetings (1/32)
- Get an appropriate pair of dress shoes
- Get appropriate new sneakers
- Get professionally fitted for a bra once a year (0/3)
- Buy (and handwash) new 3 new bras.
- Make a visual to-do list so that I am reminded of my goals
Failed: 10
Did--kind of: 10
Family and Friends
- Keep everyone updated via personal blog at least once a week. Once a month, include pictures. (0/32)
- Take a 2-3 day vacation (out of town) with Matt each year (0/3)
- Attend (and enjoy) 10 year class reunion
- Host at least 5 dinner parties (0/5)
- Go visit nonnie
- Have at least one photoshoot with friends
- Regular date night with Matt per week, at least one per month needs to be out of the house (0/32)
- Send someone an anonymous gift or flowers
- Create a list of people to cultivate (and re-establish) personal relationships with. One personal, one internet
- Sent at least one "real" email per week to someone on each list
- Have brunch with the girls
- Do a pubcrawl with friends, really letting loose and enjoying myself (assuming I am not pregnant or on medications that prohibit it).
- Attend an away hockey game
- Take Matt whitewater rafting
- Make a family 101 list for Matt and I to accomplish together
- Have a picnic with Matt at a park
Failed: 3
Kind of: 2
- Write at least one post-it note for the mirror every month (0/32)
- Bring in a treat every other month for the breakroom (1/16)
- Turn in paperwork on time
- Keep personal shelf orderly
- Keep on top of all of the paperwork aspects of the job
- Acquire at least 5 more training hours than necessary
Failed: 2
Kind of: 1
Community and Environment
- Smile at a stranger every day
- Buy the food/drink for someone behind me once a year (0/3)
- Use reusable shopping bags whenever I go shopping
- Pick up random litter as I come across it, every time
- Take the grocery cart back for someone in the parking lot every month
- Hold the door open for strangers
- Participate in random acts of kindness day
- Write a letter to the editor when I feel strongly about an issue
- Be sure to write notes to companies when I receive excellent service
- Over-tip someone that deserves it at least once a year (0/3)
- Spend more time on the porch, getting to know the neighborhood
- Walk in the three rivers parade
- Attend one community event every season (4 months) (0/9)
- Be more proactive in infertility awareness (writing DC, bill proposition, sharing personal experiences)
- Actively recycle our recycle-able waste
Kind of: 3
- Throw out, give away, sell or otherwise eliminate at least 101 items from my life (0/101)
- Maintain (and use) an indoor herb garden
- Try new recipes regularly until I have at least 10 things I can make well from memory (0/10)
- Make a quilt out of my favorite old t-shirts
- Print, frame and hang at least 5 photos I have taken (0/5)
- Organize my hard copy photos and store appropriately
- Organize my hard drive (including purchasing a new portable hard drive if necessary)
- Get passports for Matt and I
- Get muffler fixed on car
- Send a postcard to post secret
- Watch 26 movies (one for each letter of the alphabet) (1/26)
- Answer at least 32 of the 50 questions that will free your mind (Link) (1/32) **I may write more, but only one will count per month)
- Make 5 favorite lists
- NCIS episodes
- Grey's episodes
- Classic Movies
- Comedy Movies
- Romance Movies
- Action/Mystery Movies
- Sci-fi/Thriller Movies
- See a play at the Civic Center with Matt
- Attend a beer tasting (and note my favorites!)
- Reach Gold status on the nest (6,001 posts) ***CHANGED due to idiots on the nest getting me banned** TBD
- Get professional pictures of matt and I taken (esp since we didn't have professional engagement pictures done)
- Leave 10 random sweet notes in library books (0/10)
- Get makeover at a make-up counter
- Complete the 5000 question survey (Link)
- Join (and participate in) Postcrossing
- Participate in at least 6 IComLeavWe (0/6)
- Send a letter to my future self to be opened on the 1001st day
- Review this list at least once a month, update it publicly (with pictures when possible) with changed, completed, or in-progress goals.
Failed: 8
Kind of:5
Yay!: 11
101 goals listed
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